Jun 17Liked by Lesley Riley

Here's a quote I come back to time and again: "The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul," stated by Dieter F. Uchtdorf who happens to be an elder in the Mormon Church. It's a reminder to me that even someone with whom I don't share a world view, there is always a possibility of common ground. One more favorite from Thomas Paine: "The world is my country; to do good is my religion." I sewed this into a quilt when my guild had a show themed "patriotism."

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While I've heard similar quotes, I was unfamiliar with Uchtdorf. He is spot on! Thank you! I'll add it to my collection

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Jun 17Liked by Lesley Riley

Lesley, you know my favorite quote, but I’ll share it here: “When our eyes see our hands doing the work of our hearts, the circle of Creation is completed inside us, the doors of our souls fly open and love steps forth to heal everything in sight.” (Michael Bridges) For me this is a reminder to listen to my heart and take action. Two other favorites relate to authenticity: “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” (Oscar Wilde) “Always remember that you’re unique, just like everybody else.” (Margaret Meade)

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It is such a fantastic quote. It truly sums it up. Thanks for sharing it and Margaret Meade's, That's new to me!

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Jun 17Liked by Lesley Riley

Here are 2 of my very favorites:

"Decide what kind of like you really want...then say No to everything that isn't that". ( I read this somewhere and I don't know the author ).

"You never really leave a place you love--part of it you take with you, leaving a part of you behind"

This has always brought sadness to me, to others, maybe not. I do not know the author.

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That first one sounds familiar. Perhaps we were reading the same thing. It's a good one.

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Jun 17Liked by Lesley Riley

A Danish quote..."Criticism is thick when love is thin." is one I think is so true.

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Short but packed with wisdom. Thanks for sharing.

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Jun 17Liked by Lesley Riley

I was 26 and starting my (brief) career as a US diplomat/US Foreign Service officer. Between the elevators in the training center was a quote from Hesiod that I still love: "The price of achievement is toil, and the gods have ruled you must pay in advance." Truth, humorous, and in the perfect location! Also, I'm a Susan Branch fan... she has an illustrated book of quotes, "Distilled Genius," that is pure delight!

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Great quote. Having to see it everyday must have been such a reminder to all. I'll check out Susan Branch's book. I've always loved her illustrated cookbooks.

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Jun 17Liked by Lesley Riley

I have many favorites - but one that has resonated from childhood to this day was taught to me by my father when I was very young:

“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing–absolutely nothing–half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” Kenneth Grahame from The Wind in the Willows.

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And therefore, you now live by the water. I love a man that loves a good quote. I'll have to ask mine what his favorite is.

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This piece is stunning, Leslie. I am utterly addicted to collecting quotes and have them stashed all over my computer. One of my recent favorites is by Gladys McGarey: True health has nothing to do with diagnosing a disease or prolonging life just for the sake of it; it's about finding out who we are; paying attention to to how we're called to grow and change; and listening to what makes our heart sing.

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Thanks, so much! Wonderful quote on health. Those are more important than ever. And this is the best time in history to be aging, isn't it?

PS "stunning" gave me a big smile

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It absolutely is!! Glad to provide a smile today!!

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Jun 23Liked by Lesley Riley

I’ve been a collector of poems and quotes ever since a high school English class introduced me to William Wordsworth. Too many now to have a favorite, but Tolkien will always be special to me. “Courage is found in unlikely places.”

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Oh, I love that one. Thanks for sharing it.

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Jun 19Liked by Lesley Riley

My grandfather wrote in my autograph book (changing a bit of text) this quote- You can do as much as you think you can do, young lady[sic] but you’ll never accomplish more, if you’re afraid of yourself young lady, these little for you in store. For failure comes from the inside first, it’s there if we only knew it. You can win though you face the worst, if you feel you are going to do it. Edgar A. Guest

Thanks pop-pop!

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Oh, I love this. And that your pop-pop wrote it to you. Such wisdom. A treasure for sure. Thank you.

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I too have a collection of quotes. I also started writing a quote or poem on the front page of my daily journal. This journal has the poem by Edward Pope called solitude. Its opening stanza reads like quote.

Happy the man, whose wish and care

A few paternal acres bound,

Content to breathe his native air,

In his own ground.

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Mine are scattered over so many journals. It is a wonderful practice to start a journal with one!

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Jun 17Liked by Lesley Riley

My dearest friend! Such a kindred spirit. I too have been a quote collector most of my life. You shared some fabulous ones today, several I will put in my books in the future. (no, not published books, just my ongoing art journal passion.) Thank you for the inspiration!

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You are so welcome, Theresa. Hope to see you again one day.

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Jun 17Liked by Lesley Riley

"Sleep in peace; God is awake. " Victor Hugo This quote has given me much comfort; I have a past of anxiety and fear which can make sleeping, trusting, moving forward difficult. This quote reminds me that God (however you define that) is around to protect me at times I can't protect myself. It allows me to focus on other things (like art), the people I love and my health. I love quotes and have a collection of them myself!

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What a wonderful reminder that we are always being watched over. I am sure it was a realization he had and shared during those turbulent times. Thanks for sharing it.

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Jun 17Liked by Lesley Riley

Oh my, I would have a hard time defining my "favorite" quote. YOu and I have discussed this... but one that really means a lot to me is short and sweet: "YOU ARE ENOUGH!" As a life long quote junkie, I too have quote collections, separated by year then month, going back a long time.

Leslie, thank you for clarifying the value of a quote... I have known this my entire life but just never quantified it so succintly! Happy Quoting (and arting...)

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Yes, YOU are enough. It's a good mantra to carry with us. Thank you for always reading my words.

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Jun 17Liked by Lesley Riley

Lesley, thank you for this wonderful email about illustrations and quotes. I have your book of quotes and love it. My currently favorite quote is the following: "Proclaim the truth and do not be silent through fear." Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380, Doctor of the Church).

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Wonderful quote. My husband reminded me that we saw the relic of her skull at Basilica of San Domenico in Siena. Of course I had to look up why and found this info - https://strangeremains.com/2017/03/27/saint-catherine-of-sienas-divine-head/

Interesting story. Thanks for sharing the quote. She was a strong woman.

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Jun 18Liked by Lesley Riley

Thank you, Lesley. Saint Catherine is my patron saint. I am reading, very slowly, her "Dialogues" which is still in print. As Catherine went into a charismatic trance, she would speak/recite the messages she received divinely. Surprisingly, there is incredible insight and messages consistent with the teachings of Christ and the Church. Hence, one main reason she was named only one of four women as Doctor of the Church. Catherine was a force of nature!!

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I’ll put in on my to-do list. Thanks.

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